"In the mountains the thunder roars, despite the falling snow
The artillery guns have ripped the land
As the days pass, the war thunders on
The wounded Carpathian Mountains lie trembling
He who is alive, get up and defend the land
Which is covered with flames and littered with dead
You will not be saddened in battle
Among the riflemen of the Sich!
The ferocious executioner has come to spill blood
To take our nation into its grip
Bringing with him a sea of bitter tears to this nation
Injury, death and captivity
Who will come and take the lead?
Marvel! It's our girls!
A face like a poppy, rounded like a Cossack
The persistent spirit of the Sich!
Do not kiss them in war - for this is a sin
Just decorate them in wreaths
Glory to the daughters of those generous Cossacks
Amongst the Riflemen of the Sich!"